
Dr. Kuo was born in Taiwan and came to the United States when he was 17. Dr. Kuo received his bachelor’s degree in biology at Ohio State University, master’s degree in mathematical biology at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and doctoral degree in Chiropractic at Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles. Dr. Kuo currently serves as Assistant Simulation Director for COSH, and Associate Academic Coordinator for the PA program. Dr. Kuo also teaches several courses such as Human Anatomy and MSK module of medicine course within the program as an Assistant Professor.

Research Interests

  • Diet Quality of Older African Americans: Impact of Knowledge and Perceived Threat of COVID-19.
  • Assessing Food Access, Exercise, and Dietary History among Older African American Parishioners During the COVID 19 Pandemic (C FED Study): Design, Opportunities, Challenges, and Lessons Learned.
  • Colorectal Cancer in Adults from Underserved Communities: Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Screening.
  • The Impact of Remote Teaching to URiM Students on Preclinical Medical Education During The COVID-19 Pandemic.